New Creation Nursery Ministry

Our purpose is to care and nurture God’s greatest blessings with the love of Christ while helping to instill a foundation of prayer and positive reinforcement!

About Us

Here at the New Creations Nursery we strive to create a safe and enriching environment for your little ones! The Nursery Ministry is built on volunteer team members and leaders who have a beautiful 20+ years’ combined experience in childcare! We look forward to serving you and getting to know your precious children! We take time each service to pray with the children and jump into different activities such as: coloring, singing songs, playing games and participating in age appropriate crafts!


How to Help

We are always looking to welcome new Nursery Team Members as taking care of children ages Newborn to 3 years old takes a lot of care, attention and energy! If this is you and you feel God tugging you and you’d like more information just ask a Team volunteer or leader!  There are also many other ways to help by donating new or gently used books, toys, and cleaning supplies such as disinfectant spray and wipes!

As a Parent/Guardian we ask that you help us by adhering to the following Nursery Guidelines
to better protect not only our volunteers but especially your children!

*Complete a New Creation Nursery Registration Form for each child

*DO NOT check child into Nursery if they have experienced any of the following in the last 24 hours:

Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, Emergency Room visit, mucus producing cough, or contagious illness (ex. Flu, pink eye)

*If child is Potty Training please leave a good contact number upon sign in for that day

*No Parent/Guardian is allowed in the nursery at any time with the exception of Nursing Mothers.

*Every child must have their own bag, wipes, pampers and formula.

*If your child needs to be changed by you, please use the changing table in the women’s restroom

We look forward to the growth of this very vital ministry and appreciate all your help in maintaining an edifying environment for our children!
God Bless You!


Director: Samantha Garza & Team


“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.”

1 Samuel 1:27 NKJV